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Ensign William Wellington Sandeman

- Scarborough, Yorkshire

- 18 June 1849

- English though with Scottish roots

- 6 feet

Family Background:
- Sandeman's father was Thomas Fraser Sandeman, of Stodham, Hants, a Justice of the Peace of that county

At Sandhurst:
- Yes

Foreign Languages:
- French

Career before Halifax:
- Ensign, 48th Foot, 15 March 1868
- to 78th Highlanders by exchange, 10 November 1868

Postings while in NS Command:
- Halifax, 9 May 1869 to 25 November 1871

Career after Halifax:
- Lieutenant, 28 October 1871
- Captain, 15 March 1880
- retired on retired pay, 24 March 1888
- served with 78th in Afghan War of 1880

Ensign Sandeman's father, Thomas Sandeman, of Stodham, Hants, a Justice of the Peace of that county, was the son and heir of a former officer of the 42nd Black Watch, and the 73rd Perthshire Regiment. A large number of Sandemans had previously served in Highland regiments, suggesting that it may have been a family tradition to do so. On lodging the sum of £450 with Cox & Co., Army Agents, to purchase his son an ensigncy in the 48th Northamptonshire Regiment in February 1868, Thomas Sandeman wrote that "He will be disappointed at not being appointed to the 42nd Royal Highlanders or to some other Highland Corps." Sandeman's disappointment presumably was dissipated a month later when he was able to transfer to the 78th, the regiment with which he was to remain for the rest of his career. Interestingly, he is listed as one of the 74 subscribers to Davidson's History and Services of the 78th when it was published in 1901. His address was then listed as 1 Denmark Terrace, Brighton.



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